서비스 지역

대한민국 항공물류산업을 선도하는 항공화물 전문 혼재사, 우정항공입니다


독일, 프랑스, 이태리, 스페인, 영국, 오스트리아, 터키, 네덜란드, 폴란드, 러시아, 포르투갈, 스웨덴, 핀란드, ….

아프리카 및 중동

남아프리카, 사우디아라비아, 아랍 에미레이트, 이란, 쿠웨이트, 카타르, 이집트, 모로코, 이스라엘, 나이지리아, ….

아시아 및 태평양

베트남, 중국, 홍콩, 대만, 인도, 일본, 태국, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 필리핀, ….


미국, 캐나다, ….


브라질, 멕시코, 칠레, 콜롬비아, 아르헨티나, 파나마, 파라과이, 에콰도르, 페루, 도미니카 공화국, 코스타리카, 과테말라, 푸에르토리코, ….


오스트레일리아, 북마리아나 제도, 뉴질랜드, 피지, 괌, 누벨칼레도니, 파푸아뉴기니, 사모아, ….

항공기 운항 스케줄

대한민국 항공물류산업을 선도하는 항공화물 전문 혼재사, 우정항공입니다


항공기 운항 스케쥴, 출도착 정보, 비행 예상시간 등

탑재 용기

대한민국 항공물류산업을 선도하는 항공화물 전문 혼재사, 우정항공입니다


PAG, PAJ – Standard 88″ pallet

Name Standard 88″ pallet
Loadable in MD-11F, B777/F, B747, B767, A330, A340, A380
Dimensions (L x W) or (L x W x H) 125 x 88 in
Usable loading area (L x W) 120 x 83 in
Standard weight incl. pallet net 254 lbs
Max. gross weight 15,000 lbs

PMC – Standard 96″ pallet (10-ft pallet)

Name Standard 96″ pallet (10-ft pallet)
Loadable in MD-11F, B777/F, B747, B767, A330, A340, A380
Dimensions (L x W) or (L x W x H) 125 x 96 in
Usable loading area (L x W) 120 x 91 in
Standard weight incl. pallet net 254 lbs
Max. gross weight 15,000 lbs

PLW – 60.4″ pallet with side extensions

Name 60.4″ pallet with side extensions
Loadable in MD-11F, B777/F, B747, A330, A340, A380
Dimensions (L x W) or (L x W x H) 125 x 60.4 in
Dimensions of extension (W x H) oder (L x W) 22 x 19 in
Usable loading area (L x W) 120 x 55 in
Standard weight incl. pallet net 340 lbs
Max. gross weight 7,000 lbs
Capacity per extension 772 lbs

PKC – 60.4″ pallet

Name 60.4″ pallet
Loadable in A320, A321
Dimensions (L x W) or (L x W x H) 61.5 x 60.4 in
Standard weight incl. pallet net 177 lbs
Max. gross weight 3,500 lbs
Capacity per extension 772 lbs
Max. gross weight for use on A320 2,500 lbs

PGE – 20-ft pallet

Name 20-ft pallet
Loadable in MD-11F, B777F, B747F (nur Hauptdeck/main deck only)
Dimensions (L x W) or (L x W x H) 238.5 x 96 x 2 in
Usable loading area (L x W) 233 x 91 in
Standard weight incl. pallet net 1,168 lbs
Max. gross weight 25,000 lbs

PZA – 16-ft-pallet

Name 16-ft-pallet
Loadable in MD-11F, B777F, B747F (nur Hauptdeck/main deck only)
Dimensions (L x W) or (L x W x H) 196 x 96 x 2 in
Usable loading area (L x W) 191 x 91 in
Standard weight incl. pallet net 937 lbs
Max. gross weight 25,000 lbs

PLA – Half pallet

Name Half pallet
Loadable in B747F, B777F, B737F, B707F, B727F
Dimensions (L x W) or (L x W x H) 125 x 60.4 in
Usable loading area (L x W) 120 x 55.4 in
 Standard weight incl. pallet net 200 lbs
Max. gross weight 6,999 lbs


AKE – Lightweight LD3 container

Name Lightweight LD3 container
Loadable in MD-11F, B777/F, B747, B767, A330, A340, A380
External dimensions (L x W x H) 61.5 x 60.4 x 64 in
Internal dimensions (L x W x H) 57 x 57 x 63 in
Shipping volume Approx. 152 cu.ft
Standard weight 145 lbs
Max. gross weight 3,500 lbs
Max. load of the internal tie-down points 2,000 lbs
External dimensions of shell top (L x W) 79 x 60.4 in
Internal dimensions of shell top (L x W) 77 x 56 in
Door opening (W x H) 55 x 59 in

AKH – LD3-45 container

Name LD3-45 container
Loadable in A320, A321
External dimensions (L x W x H) 61.4 x 60.2 x 45 in
Internal dimensions (L x W x H) 57 x 57 x 44 in
Shipping volume Approx. 127 cu.ft
Standard weight 187 lbs
Max. gross weight 2,500 lbs
Max. load of the internal tie-down points 2,000 lbs
External dimensions of shell top (L x W) 96 x 60.2 in
Internal dimensions of shell top (L x W) 94 x 57 in
Door opening (W x H) 56 x 41 in

AMJ – 10-ft container

Name 10-ft container
Loadable in MD-11F, B777F, B747F (nur Hauptdeck/main deck only)
External dimensions (L x W x H) 125 x 96 x 96 in
Internal dimensions (L x W x H) 120 x 91 x 94 in
Shipping volume Approx. 583 cu.ft
Standard weight 574–705 lbs
Max. gross weight 15,000 lbs
Max. load of the internal tie-down points 2,000 lbs

AMP – 10-ft container

Name 10-ft container
Loadable in MD-11F, B777/F, B747, B767, A330, A340, A380
External dimensions (L x W x H) 125 x 96 x 64 in
Internal dimensions (L x W x H) 120 x 88 x 61 in
Shipping volume Approx. 409 cu.ft
Standard weight 673 lbs
Max. gross weight 15,000 lbs
Max. load of the internal tie-down points 2,000 lbs
Door opening (W x H) 114 x 59 in